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In conjunction with Planned Parenthood, we are a network of young organizers and activists across the country who organize events on our campuses and in our communities to mobilize advocates for reproductive freedom; in addition to raising public awareness about reproductive health rights, educating young people about sexual health, and creating lasting change in those communities. Planned Parenthood’s Generation Action is committed to building a robust, national network of young leaders and arming them with the tools needed to create change through a range of national campaigns, conferences, and leadership opportunities. Furthermore, this unique network acknowledges and supports the dynamic perspectives and intersectional framework that young people are using to connect reproductive health to other issues like civil rights, immigration, the environment, and identity politics. 


Rational/need for organization: It is important for college students to be aware of their sexual health. This includes knowing the statistics on the Jackson State campus and having access to proper contraceptives, information, and healthcare. Having this organization gives students resources they need to make in change in their sexual health whether it is access to contraceptives and information, access to legislatures to voice opinions regarding laws about sexual health, or simply moral support when making decisions about sexual health. Statistics on this campus remain high because what other organizations are doing is not enough. Students need hands on, real life experience.

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